


Ein Projekt von:
Dr. Martin Meggle-Freund



EPA ABL 11/2007, 592 → Mitteilung des Europäischen Patentamts vom 1. Oktober 2007 über Geschäftsmethoden

Artikel 52 (2) c) EPÜ

Als Erfindungen im Sinne des Absatzes 1 werden insbesondere nicht angesehen: Pläne, Regeln und Verfahren für gedankliche Tätigkeiten, für Spiele oder für geschäftliche Tätigkeiten sowie Programme für Datenverarbeitungsanlagen;

Methods only involving economic concepts and practices of doing business are not inventions within the meaning of Article 52(1) EPC. A feature of a method which concerns the use of technical means for a purely non-technical purpose and/or for processing purely non-technical information does not necessarily confer a technical character to such a method.1)

An apparatus constituting a physical entity or concrete product, suitable for performing or supporting an economic activity, is an invention within the meaning of Article 52(1) EPC.2)

There is no basis in the EPC for distinguishing between „new features“ of an invention and features of that invention which are known from the prior art when examining whether the invention concerned may be considered to be an invention within the meaning of Article 52(1) EPC. Thus there is no basis in the EPC for applying this so-called contribution approach for this purpose.3)

siehe auch

1) , 2)
T 0931/95
T 0931/95; following decisions T 1173/97 and T 935/97
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